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The new Green Book for February is now out, and my new series of regular articles on security started in January and should continue throughout 2013. You can see the content of these articles by clicking on the Articles links below.

After last month's special push on my getting things setup service, ..or book your setup, data transfer, or “getting started” sessions now it's perhaps worth re-stating that this service is available at any time of year. Lots of people will have bought and/or received PCs and laptops for Christmas, and many more new machines will be bought over the coming year. Not everybody realises that a new machine is not really setup and ready to go straight out of the box. There's lots of things which need to be done to make sure its ready for safe and secure use, so if you have any concerns or need a bit of hand to get things sorted out ready for use, then why not give me a call.

Please keep safe and secure at all times - if in doubt, ask for help!

Finally for this time, another regular statement which is well worth repeating - don't forget to make sure you keep your machine fully updated for security patches, Java Updates, anti-virus definitions etc. The bad guys don't let up I'm afraid so there will always be a need to keep vigilant.

Articles and News Archive

Click on any of the links to see previous news announcements or published magazine articles etc.